About Nemo and the Discovery


nemodiscovers (at) gmail.com

Some facts: 

But why would you stream, Nemo? It is so much work! So much time! 

Mainly because I was curious how it all worked. I was job hunting at the time and was looking for a distraction. Back then I was watching Twitch mainly to catch some of the GOG Streamers showcasing games I was interested in, Retro and Indie Games mostly. I thought about trying it myself, but never really considered it till 2016, after talking about the idea with friends.

Some day in August 2016, I was looking at a free evening and decided to stream a game. I had been toying with the idea for nearly half a year then and already bought a new Headset. I also decided to create some assets for the channel page on twitch and all that sort of stuff. That was already the first discovery stream, the game was called Kin - clever little rpg, mixed with tactical and puzzle elements. Total underdog of a game, but well worth showing. I really enjoyed streaming the game, I think I even had one or two viewers coming into chat, which was great. That sparked my motivation!
Not much later, more streams were planned, the year moved forward and suddenly Titan Quest got a remaster. One of my favourite ARPG's. Now I had two days in the week that were regular streaming days. All of that was great fun, more people were joining the channel. And so the story went.

Constantly improving the stream, finding a new name for the channel in between, moving to a new town....it has been an interesting and challenging few years since 2016 and I never have been able to stop streaming. It is my passion, something I love to do and share with others. It's not been easy keeping it all going, especially since the channel did not grow as much as I had hoped. Marketing is hard. Very hard. Life was giving us lemons here and there, but I kept going. Seeing how I was apparently unable to stop streaming, I thought that I might as well do it better, improve the stream, widen the scope and discover more games and share them with the everyone who is interested.

So here I am in 2023, meanwhile taking up a full-time job, and still intent on creating content (when I can find the time) that I think is very much worth watching! We are a small community on my Twitch channel, but its a fine bunch of people. Next to the streaming, I decided to branch out: Reviews and short first impressions for the discovered games are now also a part of my work and I am very proud of of it all. 

Some Milestones:

Thank you so much for finding the time to check out my streams, this homepage and this little story about me! If you can in some way support what I am doing, please do, it means a lot, helps a lot and is very appreciated. This helps also: Spreading the word, joining the streams and enjoying the content I create. Thank you again!